In 2010 Americans volunteered 8.1 billion hours. Volunteers are crucial to the running and success of nonprofit organizations around the world. Be realistic with yourself about what your available time is that you can commit and choose an organization whose mission you feel passionate about. Ask yourself whether you will be able to fulfill this volunteer need for the next year; are you looking for sporadic volunteering or long-term; are you willing to go through a training class; how does this charity treat its volunteers; is the volunteer time going to extend to more hour or will you be able to leave after your time is up; is it a well run organization; and finally ask to speak to other volunteers. If volunteering overseas, research, research and research both the organization as well as the country you will be living in.
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
- 1-800-volunteer: National database of volunteer opportunities.
- Do Something Organization: Volunteering for teens.
- Give Milk: International Breast Milk Project: If you are a nursing mother, please consider donating breast milk to this organization. Donated breast milk is used here in the US for critically ill infants and is sent overseas for newborns of HIV mothers whose own breast milk may transmit the HIV virus. It doesn't cost anything: containers are sent directly to you, shipping is free and you will be contributing to the health of newborns around the world.
- Global Volunteer Network: Our vision is to connect people with communities in need, with a particular focus on vulnerable women and children. We do this by supporting the work of local community organizations in countries through the placement of international volunteers.
- Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives.
- Making a Difference Through Volunteering & Nonprofit Careers: In this guide, you'll learn more about the importance of volunteer work, how to find volunteer opportunities, and how to transition from volunteering to a career in a nonprofit.
- United We Serve: The US government volunteer corps such as AmeriCorps, Peace Corp, Senior Corp and other opportunities.
- Volunteer & Nonprofit Degrees: How Training & Education Can Prepare You for Nonprofit Careers & Skills-Based Volunteerism
- Volunteers for Peace: Founded in 1982, VFP is a non-profit membership organization. We do not have any political or religious agenda. We are partner to a large network of similar organizations worldwide. Our goal is to work toward a more peaceful world through the promotion of International Voluntary Service (IVS) projects, historically known as International Workcamps, and the exchange of volunteers. Through our international alliances, we work together to help communities meet local needs and some of the goals of the UN's Millenium Goals.
- Volunteer Match: Matches volunteers to needs in the USA.
- Warm Up America: Warm Up America distributes warm afghans, caps and other items to tens of thousands of people, thanks to the generosity of knitters and crocheters around the country.
- Youth Changing the World: YSA coordinates Global Youth Service Day and Semester of Service, distributes over $1 million in grants annually, and provides resources and trainings.