Poverty Program
"The inevitable consequence of poverty is dependence." Samuel Johnson
The Film Connection:
The Film Connection is a community of film lovers, social activists and lifelong learners who use our non-profit online film library to watch, discuss and act on compelling films from around the globe. An initiative of the global humanitarian agency Mercy Corps, The Film Connection offers a growing library of DVDs that tackle the issues facing the world we live in.
- Sicko
- Soldier Child: A Documentary by Neil Abramson
- Lord of War
- Pandemic: Facing AIDS
- Peace, a documentary
- Devil's Miner
- The Constant Gardener
- Pursuit of Happyness
- Blood Diamonds: the horrendous brutality and exploitation of the diamond trade
- Amazing Grace: William Wilborforce and the history behind the "end" of slavery in Britain
- Catch a Fire: true story, S. Africa
- The Corporation: documentary, US Corporatations
- Why We Fight: documentary, US and war
- Motorcycle Diaries: Argentinian-born Cuban revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevaras
- Beyond Rangoon: based on true story, American escaping Burma in 1988
- Witnesses: real-life war crimes committed during the Serbo-Croatian war
- Yesterday: AIDS
- Caminho das Nuvens (The Middle of the World): family travels to city to seek a better life
- Turtles Can Fly: days leading up to the Iraq war from a young boy's perspective.
- Lagaan, Once Upon a Time in India: Indian village, beset by drought, colonialism 1893
- Himalaya, l'enfance d'un chef: Tibet, focuses on daily lives and customs.
- The Circle: Iranian women, repressive society.
- Sometimes in April: Hutu nationalists raised arms against their Tutsi countrymen
- Separate but Equal: Brown vs. the Board of Education
- In My Country: South Africa's history of institutionalized racism
- Syrian Bride: Marriage in the midst of political turmoil between Israel and Syria
- Cry Freedom: true story, friendship between two men in S. Africa, struggling against aparteid.
- Before Night Falls: life of one of Cuba's literary voices, Reinaldo Arenas
- Chasing Freedom: lawyer who attempts to earn a foreign women citizenship in the US
- In this World: account of two Afghan refugees' passage to the West in search of a better life
- Lamumba: Patrice Lumumba was a passionate advocate for freedom in colonial Africa
- Red Corner: thriller that sought to expose the civil and human rights abuses of China
- ABC Africa: documentary
- Mandela and de Klerk: docudrama
- Tears of the Sun: career soldier choosing to save refugees in Africa over orders
- Born into Brothels: documentary of Kids with Cameras
- Dark Days: harrowing account of the day-to-day existence of the homeless
- Troublesome Creek: documentary demise of the American farm family
- Devil's Miner: Bolivian silver mines from child's point of view
- Dreams of Sparrows: plight of Iraqi civilians under US occupation
- National Geographic: China's Lost Girls: documentary
- Our Times: docudrama, Iranian women during 2001 election
- Trust me: Shalom, Salaam, Peace: documentary
- Hotel Rwanda: genocide Rwanda
- Ghosts of Rwanda: genocide Rwanda
- When the Mountains Tremble: documentary human rights abuses in Guatemala
- Boys of Baraka: documentary Baltimore, MD 20 boys sent to special institution in Kenya.
- Children Underground: homeless children in Bucharest
- Keep the River to your Right: anthropologist Tobias Schneebaum jungles of Peru
- Letter: Documentary Somalis immigrating to Lewistan, MA, post 9/11 violence towards them and the community response.
- Homeland: American Indian activists
- The Ground Truth: US veterans and the war in Iraq.
- Last King of Scotland: Ugandan dictator Idi Amin
- Children of Men: future without ability to bear children and marshall law
- Pursuit of Happyness: homelessness
- Letters from IwoJima: WWII movie from the Japanese viewpoint
- Flags of our Fathers: companion movie to IwoJima - WWII movie from US viewpoint