If the entire world was to use the amount of resources that is used in the West, it would take 4 planet Earths to supply the demand.
Statistics: Economics:
Developing countries pay $13 in debt repayment for every $1 of aid received.
1970 third world debt was $25 billion, 2002 $523 billion.
2003, third world countries paid 39 billion towards debt and received 27 billion in aid.
For the 60 poorest nations, $550 billion was paid over 30 years on principal and interest on the $540 billion loan.
Debt owed reduces the money available to provide health, education and welfare services to the poor. Africa spends 4 X more on debt reduction than on healthcare.
Debt effects the environment as debt burdened countries are forced to use natural resources as a source of money. Brazil owes the US $112 billion; largest deforester at 50,000 km per year. The higher the debt, the more devastating for the environment.
Debt increases drug trafficking: Bolivia has highest child mortality rate in Latin America; spends ½ of all export income on debt; 40% of workforce makes a living in the drug trade.
Debt owed by third world countries must be forgiven. Germann debt after WWII was forgiven so they could rebuild. Britain after WWII was given a low interest rate so they could rebuild. Why not Africa?
Africa has $70 billion in foreign debt which the G-8 summit recommended forgiving. The only country opposing is the USA.
Bolivia spends one half of all export income on debt and has highest child mortality rate in Latin America.
Arms sales: between 1960 - 1987, third world countries borrowed $400 billion to fund arms imports. Since Britain's Labour party came into power in 1997, arms sales to Africa increased 600%. 4 million dead in Congo from conflict (equal to the entire population of Ireland), millions displaced.
Africa has $70 billion in foreign debt which the G-8 summit recommended forgiving. The only country opposing is the USA.
Canceling the debt would cost the citizens of the wealthy nations, $2.10 per year.
20-25 billion is needed to meet the millennium goals; consumers spend 33 billion per year on cosmetics and perfume.
25% of third world HIV positive newborns die before age one compared to almost 0% mortality in affluent countries.