Neuroscientists have found that many children growing up in poor families experience unhealthy levels of stress hormones which can impair language and memory.
Statistics: Education:
Africa has the youngest population in the world and as of 2005, 46 million African children had never even stepped into a classroom.
Only 60% of Third World girls are in school.
The higher the literacy level of a mother, the lower the chance of her child dying or living in poverty.
Children with education mothers are 50% more likely to live past the age of 5.
100 million children are not in school with girls make up 60% of those not in school.
Classrooms are often overcrowded 60:1.
Obstacles to education: school fees; children having to work; no local schools; shortage of well-trained teachers.
In the Third World teacher pay is as low as $2 a day.
In Zambia, more teachers are dying from AIDS than are being trained to teach.
Education is crucial in ending the cycle of poverty.